Issue 5


News Moscow, Terra (Sol)
The spokesmen for Russia's state arms export company "Rosvooruzhenie" announced signing of a contract for delivery of two Novik-class destroyers to Argentina. Given the recent escalation of border tensions in the region, defense analysts fear this deal may spur an arms race in South America, a race which may well prove beyond region's treasuries' means. News of this development comes only two months after Argentina's Minister of Defense's rebuff by his British counterpart during a visit aimed at securing naval construction contracts with British firms. It is believed the Argentinian ships will be identical to vessels already in service with Russia's Space Forces. This sale, believed to be "Rosvooruzhenie"'s greatest export deal this year, was no doubt helped by publicity the Russian ships gained during their anti-piracy patrols in the Chinese Arm on behalf of undisclosed corporate entities. "Rosvooruzhenie"'s spokesmen refused to comment on reports of ongoing talks with government of Indonesia concerning a similar sale. (SpaceWeek)


Erikson's Edge (Hochbaden)
The small mining settlement of Erikson's Edge was celebrating last night after one of its miners, Leo Gunther Wolfsson, was found by rescuers safe and well after being lost in a rockfall nearly one week ago. Teams had worked by hand to remove tonnes of rock in the cramped and dangerous confines of tunnels while there was still hope of finding Leo alive, but the rescue attempt had been scaled down two days ago after it was thought that his supplies had run out. Leo, who was trapped by his legs and immobile when found, had realised that it would be some time before he was rescued: as a result, he had reduced the oxygen flow rates to his suit to a minimum and then "...slept, mostly." Doctors are almost baffled as to Leo's survival, but point to his calm and reasoned response to his predicament.


Syuhlahm (Zeta Tucanae)
A violent storm of enormous magnitude has swept the Manchurian colony at Syulahm killing over 20,000 colonists. A plea from the local government has gone out to all neighboring systems for assistance and humanitarian help. A Canadian cargo vessel under discharge in orbit at the time, the Toronto Star owned by Vancouver Spaceways, has given up 50 Kt of wheat to help survivors. (New Manchuria Daily)


UK/Terra (Sol)
In a press release today, White Star and Swan Hunters, Gateway, have jointly annouced the launch of the SS Royal Sovereign. This is the first ship of a new class of luxury passenger liners that will allegedly rival the opulance of the Desarge 8680-class, the so-called "Tall Ships". White Star has confidently stated that the Royal Sovereign will begin its maiden vovage on schedule in five months' time after a final fitting out programme at the company's orbital dockyard at Gateway.

The new liner will operate on the Sol-Alpha Centauri-Beta Canum route. Her sister ship, the SS Queen Mary II, (now 65% complete) will operate on an as yet undecided route, although it has been hinted that it will run along the Chinese Arm of human space. (Lloyds Registery)


South Pacific / Terra (Sol)
George ffytton-Wells, the disgraced software genius, has been found dead in his beach-side house on Vanuatu. ffytton-Wells started Cabot NavSoft while working as an engineer with IntaNav and built it into a multi-system spanning navigation company with a reputation for innovation and originality. In the past few months, ffytton-Wells had been trying to push a new start-up company dealing with AI flexi-logic life support and hydroponics control systems. However, a series of personal actions by individuals claiming to have suffered stress as a result of using the potentially flawed Cabot range of products had recently consumed much of ffytton-Wells' personal fortune, and this latest venture went into receivership last week. Local police are investigating. (Pacific News)


Several Worlds (Chinese Arm)
Tensions have risen as Manchurian naval forces enforced their export ban Cantonese products from all colonies along the arm by putting their 4th fleet based at Kwantung on blockade patrol. The French has offered to mediate in the crisis that began one month ago when Cantonese farmers burned a farming tool machinery factory on Daikoku, claiming that they were using illegal Manchurian immigrants, instead of locals, as a workforce. A spokeswoman for the Manchurian trade ministry that has very close ties to the naval ministry under the renowned Admiral Tung said that they would answer the Cantonese in kind and that any intervention by outsiders would be considered as “provocative and regretful”. (New Manchuria Daily)